Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 10, 2008

New Shoes

This is Timothy fasicnated with his new shoes. He stared at them all day!

Fuzzy Hair

Mommy was trying to take pictures of my fuzzy head. Every time I take a bath my hair gets all fuzzy. Dad says it's my buzz cut look.

Hello, G'nite

These pictures look like they were taken one right after the other. I think actually quite a few minutes had passed by, but I thought it was funny.

Soo Cute

Me & Daddy

I can't help it, in this picture I think Timothy looks just like me (Carly) as a baby.

Haha! Look at me! The first time I held a rattle!

I'm so smart ;)

(Brian was in the basement working on something and I was stomping on floor, "Come quick, You have to see what Timothy's doing!" Are we new parents or what?)

Saturday, February 9, 2008

A look surely says it all

Expression: The outward manifestation of a mood or a disposition

Ok, so maybe someday he'll be mad at me for posting these pics, but I think they're too cute! So many people have told us what an expressive baby he is! The pictures say it all!

A Smile is contagious ...

My Smiley Face :o)

T imothy's been giving us lots of smiles these days! Thought we'd share a few!