Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Rock n' Roll

Timothy and his "rockin' guitar" (that's what he calls it, not me) :) The blankey is for added effect!

Timothy LOVES his Baby Sister!

Very impromptu last night before bed, I asked Brian to try and take a picture of Timothy hugging or kissing his baby sister. These pictures were the result :) Not great, but you'll find Timothy doing this about a hundred times a day! I think we'll try again because I know they could be super cute. This will also serve as my "29 week" picture. I commented on some other friends prego pictures and had to admit I didn't have any of myself up anywhere. Some people love to be pregnant and love the way they look. The 2 times I've been pregnant I just feel awkward and though I love the result, I don't feel much need to record the journey. Maybe I'll regret that someday. So here's my attempt for at least this week :)