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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Weekend with the Capriolo's

Grandpop Capriolo, Uncle Paul, and Noel came for a visit a few weekends ago. Other than spoiling Timothy rotten, they also took the time to build us a fire pit that we've been enjoying greatly! We even managed to do everything right "around the corner," for real this time!
Timothy and Grandpop

Noel learning how to point

Timothy had to get in on the fire pit action. See his little trowel?

Timothy and Uncle Paul walking...

Timothy and Noel walking...

Have you noticed what Timothy's new favorite thing to do is?

Paul & Noel <3

Grandpop, Can I go home with you?

Thanks guys! We had a great time, hope you did too!

Timothy Goes Swimming!

We took Timothy swimming at the Griffin's one hot evening.

He didn't appear to love it, but he didn't cry and we eventually coaxed him to let himself float a little (as opposed to clinging for dear life to Daddy & Mommy)!

And he got play with Koby, which is always fun!

Picnic with the Nodine's

Fourth of July weekend we all got together for a picnic. Here's the newly expanded Nodine Family!

Grampa with his boys

Timmy cooling his toes off

Joshua sharing lovely smiles :o)