Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Bloopers: Scotland Reel

Carly: Look at what we did today!
Brian: Wow, how'd you get him to hold the signs like that?
Carly: Um, well....
Here's what I didn't show you the first time! LOL

Timothy: Sure I can smile for the camera, I do that all the time!

Carly: No Silly, you have to hold the sign up!

Timothy: Okay Mom, can I eat the sign while I hold it up?

Timothy: GRR! I just can't do it!

Carly: Yes you can, like this!

Timothy: No, I really can't!
Timothy: Mom, let's just forget the sign!


Jamie said...

Oh my goodness...I just laughed so hard I woke Joshua up from his nap. :) I love bloopers.

Anonymous said...

Awww!! That was cute!!