Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, July 20, 2009

Catching Up, Part 2

Thanks to Gramma, Grandma, Grammy, MaMa (all Brian's Mom ;) Timmy loves to play dress-up with hats! Look at my little cowboy :o)

This was the day we found out Pop Pop passed away. He always took me to feed the ducks, so I took Timmy out and we attempted to feed the ducks.
Love you Pop Pop.

If you look closely, you can see Timmy holding my doll from when I was little, Tin-nee, he was showing "the baby pictures."

Tyler & Timmy, BFF

Timmy picking his "toekin" as he calls it! He has this funny habit every time his socks come off, he can't help but pick his toe lint. I can't say too much because I remember doing this when I was little too!

This day, Timmy & Joshua were dedicated at church!
Side note: Never wait until your child is 1. Do it much sooner! He was sssssoooo antsy!

I took this from our kitchen window. Timothy was "helping" Daddy load leaves onto the truck. He looks like a good supervisor!

My brother, Paul, gave me this shirt. He had kept it safe for years. It was mine when I was little! Only, I think I was 2 or 3 when I wore it! Definitely older than Timothy. And he's already outgrown it!
Ready his Hungry Caterpillar book from Anne!

His Daddy's left him big shoes to fill, but I know he can do it :o)

Helping Gramps & Daddy build his swing set.
This was the day Timothy started calling Gramps "Pop." He calls my Dad "Pop" and they both drive a black Dodge Dakota. So, naturally, when Gramps pulled in, it was Pop.
Even if it didn't look like him!
Timmy's John Deere.

Almost always, when I check on Timmy, this is how he's sleeping.
So precious.

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